Tagged: Android Apps

man phone

Best Apps for Trading Junkies

There is no denying that smartphones changed the way how we live our lives, and, therefore, how we do our business. As smartphones continue to improve, their grip on the business landscape becomes even stronger, and our capacity to do everything on the go continues to increase. It is very hard to find some business activity which benefits more from...

Android traveler

A Travelers Set of Apps

Ages ago, there was nothing more difficult than traveling to a distant location. You had to rely on primitive means of orientation and organization and this was altogether no small feat. However, not even this was enough to diminish inborn wanderlust hidden deep in human species. Luckily, as the progress gained more and more swing, humanity found ways to remedy...

Photo Editing apps

Top Apps for editing Photos on Android

Capturing Photos are fun. But, it is true that we cannot capture a perfect photo on every click. Consequently, we have to delete many of our great moments and memories of not being perfect. But, if you had a good photo editing app on your very own Android then you might edit the imperfect photo and give it a good look....

Coding on Android

Top apps for Coding/Programming on Android

Programming is a very good skill to have. The most important thing about programming is to practice. The more you practice, the more your skill will grow. But, to do that we don’t always have PC with us to code. Sometimes we have to move on. In those situations, you can get a helping hand from your Android phone. Because,...

Android Apps on desktop

Most Powerful Apps for Android (Root/Non-Root)

Owning an Android Phone, has its perks. Because, you always have the chance to make it your way. The possibilities of customizing an Android Phone are enormous. But, to do that you will need some powerful apps which can do that for you. Here, we will uncover some of the best and powerful apps (for both root & non-rooted device)...

Time saving apps on android

Best Time saving apps For Android: Do more in less time

Arguably the most precious thing in this world is ‘Time’. By saving some seconds from work you can get an extra edge to do another important task. However, this is not always possible. Again, most of the time we spend doing things here and there. Smartphones now a days have become a part and parcel of our life. If you...

The offline Chrome apps will be compatible with Android

Google is not only preparing offline Chrome apps to use in desktop operating systems like Windows, but also will be compatible with Android. The expansion suffering Chrome is growing and now it seems a little more become independent of both Android and the Internet itself. The Web Store Google browser already has multiple offline apps able to run on desktop operating...