How to Get Ready for Smooth VR Gaming
The global revenues of the gaming industry hit $91 billion in 2016 [source]. Games for consoles and PCs were the only participants of the gaming battle for more than two decades. Nowadays, we witness a dramatic upsurge in the number of powerful gadgets, which is changing the face of the gaming industry. Since gamers are becoming more sophisticated, they’re eagerly waiting for fresh gaming innovations. VR headsets are supposed to bring that quality into an already vivid market. Although not a new concept, they’ve finally received the attention they deserve. So, let’s see how avid gamers can get ready for the home use of virtual reality in their gaming sessions.
Prepare the setting
The essence of VR headsets is their ability to completely immerse you into virtual reality. While this quality increases your gaming experience exponentially, it also brings some risks. Firstly, you need to adapt your space to that kind of gaming. Therefore, remove all the chairs, sofas, tables and other hard objects from your VR setting. Secondly, you need to prevent anybody who isn’t playing at the moment from entering your room. The presence of people who aren’t playing could lead to unwanted injuries.
Finally, consult your vendor and ask them about your particular headset. Each piece has its own special requirements, so get familiar with them. It would be a shame to buy this wonderful device and not be able to use it due to a limited space. Before you hit the store, read more about space requirements of different VR headsets in an article published by Tech Radar.
Mind your health
Although VR headsets are cutting-edge technological solutions, they still have some weak spots. Namely, motion sickness is their fly in the ointment. Since some users of these gaming devices experience vertigo and stomach sickness, it’s imperative to apply some usage rules to avoid this issue. For starters, you shouldn’t play those games long hours. Also, if you can’t harness your gaming passion, make regular breaks. Moreover, don’t skip meals. An empty stomach produces more stomach acid, which might enhance this feeling of sickness.
What’s more, follow the trends of the niche. VR headset manufacturers have accepted that their users experience those difficulties. This is why they’re making improvements to reduce the risk of such issues.
Equip your computer
You can’t expect to enjoy the latest innovations of virtual reality if you don’t equip your PC with proper components. First and foremost, you need to ensure enough space to store your games. Because of that, an SSD with 500GB storage space is a minimum option for a VR-friendly computer.
Furthermore, it’s imperative to install a powerful graphics card, as well. Therefore, you’ll ensure optimal gaming experience with AMD Radeon R9290 or NVidia GeForce GTX 970. Even if you spend a bit more money now, you’ll get a GPU that will meet the requirements of most games in the years to come.
Finally, pay special attention to your processor since it’s the key prerequisite for seamless VR gaming. If you’re an Intel fan, an i5-4590 processor is a great choice for this purpose. On the other hand, AMD enthusiasts will be able to have a great VR experience with their FX 8350 CPU.
As for slots, go for a 3.0 USB port since it will become a standard soon, and a 1.4 HDMI port.
If you meet these basic requirements for enjoyable VR gaming, you’ll see that this type of entertainment brings something completely different. Also, follow trends in this field and add new devices to your home VR kit as they’re released. That way, you’ll improve your gaming experience with the latest devices and accessories. What’s more, you will make these sessions a quality time for the entire family.