Tagged: Update

Press, the best feed reader is updated with Inmersive mode, dark theme and more

Not the first time we spoke of Press , a newsreader with the most elegant design. In principle it was launched as an add on Google Reader, and Feedly now. Press is proud of its great design, one simple, minimalist and no ads. A New Press update arrives today to provide even more features to this great supplement for those who tend to read feeds from...

Drobpox updated with managing shared folders with your contacts

New version of Dropbox to view the application to use the famous storage service in the cloud.Android is one of the most famous alternatives for this task, and certainly the innovations presented in this new update will help keep it that way. Among the most interesting novelties are a highly anticipated, the ability to manage our shared folders and choose between our contacts...

Skype is updated with calls for floating windows version tablets

Latest updates from Skype are taking some prominence to smartphones, designed to focus on providing news for tablets. Typically these devices are not designed for making calls, but the truth is that thanks to their larger screens have some very interesting possibilities, such as Microsoft recently announced the release of version 4.5 of Skype. Besides the usual bug fixes, no new features...